Author: Gerald N. Lund
Genres: Christmas
Format: Audio, eBook, Print
Pages: 144
Date: October 25, 2017
Publisher: Deseret Book
On a mission to bomb a French bridge and slow down Hitler’s retreating army, U.S. bomber pilot Wendell B. Terry miraculously survived a harrowing parachute jump after his plan was hit by enemy fire. Scorched by the burning plane, he landed amid German SS troops and soon found himself in a German prisoner-of-war camp. He shared a cement room with 23 other prisoners. He lived with a dirt floor, no heat to ward off the bitter cold, one small window, and not much to do. To make matters worse, Christmas was approaching, and Lieutenant Terry’s heart ached for his new wife and their child who would soon be born.
In the depths of the cold and dark, however, a light of hope was sparked by the arrival of a small parcel from the Red Cross. Chosen by lottery to receive that package, Lieutenant Terry opened it to find a small can of powdered milk, a packet of sugar, two squares of unsweetened chocolate—and a chance to bring a glimmer of Christmas joy to his fellow prisoners.
Brought to life with original drawings by Lieutenant Terry himself, this heartwarming true story of sharing what little you have even in the direst of circumstances will inspire you to look for small ways to bring joy to others.
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Listened to the audio book. The reader is great but I hated going through all the introductory stuff including every resource used etc… Just get on with the story already.
I’d give 4 stars for the story but 2 for how it is told so I settled on 3.
The story itself is a wonderful story but I didn’t like how it was told. I would have liked it better just told as if it were a work of historical fiction or something. I’m not even sure how to explain what I didn’t like. It felt disjointed. The story is going along and I felt like it was being told from the lieutenant’s point of view and then Lund would stick in something that obvious came from him instead. Commentary, something like, “Imagine how those men would have felt”. Just tell the true story as a story.
So it was interesting, and a good story but listening to it once is enough for me. Between having to wade through everything at the beginning and then the disjointed telling I don’t feel the need to do a replay. Probably would have enjoyed reading it better so I could have skimmed through the beginning until it actually got to the story.
Sex: One reference to other soldiers looking for women to celebrate being liberated.
Violence: It is a war story. There is violence.
Language: None.