How To

If you are an author and you have any trouble getting your book’s rating, here are step-by-step instructions.

    1. Go to and create an account. Enter your email and a password. Click REGISTER.
      MBR Register
      If you’re concerned about spam or misuse of information, I have been registered at this site for some time and have not received any spam from them at all.


    1. Enter your book title in the SEARCH bar. If you book has already been rated by someone, it will show up.
    2. If your book is not already on the site, skip to step 5. If your book is on the site, click the book cover to go to the book’s page.
      MBR BookPage


    1. Click the Community Ratings bar to show why it got the rating it did.
      MBR Ratings Box

      If this is correct, you can stop here and send me that page link.
      MBR Book URL
      HOWEVER, you know your book better than anyone so I highly recommend you go through the rating process anyway.


    1. If you book is not on the site, click the SUBMIT A RATING button.
      MBR Submit Rating


    1. Enter the BOOK’S TITLE and the AUTHOR’S NAME. Click CONTINUE. It will process for a moment while it looks for your book.
      MBR Enter Info
      If you are adding a rating for your book, it will display the book cover. Click the cover, then click the MY BOOK button.
      MBR Book On Site
      If your book is not on the site, it will look like this. Click the MY BOOK button.
      MBR Not On Site
      You will be led through a series of pages where you will be asked to enter information about your book. The images below show what will be asked for on each page.


    1. Book Information: Author’s Name and Book Title will autofill. Where applicable, you will enter Book Subtitle, Series Title, Series Number, Page Count, Ebook Price, Book Teaser, Book Description, and Book Cover. Click Continue.
      MBR Book Info


    1. Retailer Information: Check the online retailers where your book is available for sale. Click Continue.
      MBR Retailers


    1. Genre Information: This is a two-step process. First is a list of basic genre categories. You may select two.
      MBR Genre Step 1
      After you select a category, it displays possible subcategories. Select the most accurate category. Click Continue.
      MBR Genre Step 2


    1. Content Rating: This page asks for content rating in several areas: Crude Humor/Language; Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use; Kissing; Profanity; Nudity; Sex and Intimacy; Violence & Horror. It will also ask about Gay/Lesbian characters, but this does not change the content rating. This is the whole point of getting a rating, so be as accurate as possible.The rating for your book is shown at the bottom of the form (see red arrow). Click Continue.
      MBR Content Rating


    1. Review: Last page! Fill it in. Click Submit.
      MBR Review


  1. And it’s done! It generally takes 2-3 days for new books to be added to the site. When you fill out my form, you can type in the rating it showed on the form. I will know to go look for the link in a few days.