Author: Ann Hunter
Series: Dream Runners #3
Genres: Young Adult Speculative, YA Science Fiction
Format: eBook
Pages: 157
Date: March 1, 2022
Publisher: Rebel House Ink
Rating: Moderate. Mild crude humor, mild substance use, mild language, moderate violence or horror.
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Logan Kent knows too much.
He knows his idyllic life in The Capitol is a lie. He knows a secret society is pulling the strings of their puppet government. And worst of all, he knows they built their utopia upon the stolen dreams of its citizens.
When the rebel faction, Anyone, rises up against The Capitol, Logan escapes The Circle and runs away with Reina, the rebel medicine thief who helped him see behind The Capitol’s lies. But having reached Anyone’s last free base in the country, Logan realizes what he knows is a weapon.
Anyone will use what Logan knows to bring The Circle to its knees. And his biological mother is at the heart of Anyone’s council.
Having a choice is what Anyone has been fighting for. Why they’ve wanted to free others. Free agency is worth dying for; but to Logan, going back across the arid Expanse and Heartlands feels like a suicide mission.
What choice does he have other than to betray his friends and the freedom of every citizen back home?
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