Snow Fright by Amie & Bethanie Borst

October 5, 2016 | 0 Comments
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Snow Fright by Amie & Bethanie BorstSnow Fright
Author: Amie Borst, Bethanie Borst
Series: Scarily Ever Laughter #3
Genres: Middle Grade Speculative
Format: Print
Pages: 325
Date: October 4, 2016
Publisher: Jolly FIsh Press

Sarah White is gorgeous even if she is a little bit rotten.

A mirror arrives on her twelfth birthday and she thinks it’s the perfect gift, but when the mirror swallows her whole Sarah finds herself in the dead center of the Underworld. Sarah now has to deal with her decaying flesh and sudden craving for brains.

By the time Sarah escapes the Underworld, she finds her new zombie life less than appetizing. Even worse, she needs to return to the Underworld to save her friends, Cindy and Scarlet.

With a poisoned apple, a crow named Raven, and a glowing necklace, Sarah sets off to rescue her friends. She must succeed, or she’ll be a brain-craving zombie forever.

[bctt tweet=”Sarah must rescue her friends or she’ll be a brain-craving zombie forever. SNOW FRIGHT #mghorror @AmieBorst”]


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About Amie Borst

Amie Borst

Amie Borst still believes in unicorns, uses glitter whenever possible and accessorizes in pink. She enjoys eating chocolate while writing and keeps a well-stocked stash hidden away from her family. She wishes she had a hot-pink elevator with carnival lights to travel the world. But for now, her minivan will have to do.

About Bethanie Borst

Bethanie Borst

Bethanie Borst is a 14 year old home-schooled Freshman. She loves archery and hopes to enter the Olympics someday. Bethanie enjoys the outdoors, bike rides, climbing trees and studying edible plant life. She also likes making things explode in her science classes, but we really don’t need to discuss that. Bethanie was only 9 when she came up with the idea for Cinderskella.

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