Author: Sally Britton
Series: Branches of Love #5
Genres: Historical Romance
Format: eBook, Print
Pages: 338
Date: October 10, 2018
Publisher: Indie
An arranged marriage, a choice to love, and the hope for happily ever after.
Rebecca Devon lives under the severe eye of her aunt and the iron will of her father. Though she wears what she is told and befriends the people they choose for her, she spends every moment longing to do as she wishes. Knowing freedom will only come through marriage, her hopes for a happy union are stolen away when her father arranges her marriage to a complete stranger.
Christian Hundley, Lord Easton, has learned the hard way that English society won’t accept a person who looks or behaves differently than their ideal. He has hidden himself away from scornful eyes for years, until his aging grandfather takes matters in hand and finds Christian a bride. Knowing he must agree to the marriage, Christian shields his heart. If the whole of society cannot accept him, why should his bride?
Rebecca knows she must have love in her life, but Christian is convinced there is nothing so fraught with danger and pain as entrusting one’s heart to another. Rebecca does everything she can to change his mind, but Christian is determined to remain aloof. Can an arranged marriage ever be anything other than a business partnership?
Rating: Mild. Mild substance use; mild kissing.
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Ms. Britton has is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. Despite having a HUGE cue of books waiting to be read, I want to go back and reread all the books in this series. Sometimes when I read certain authors I find myself rolling my eyes or cringing a little about something with the plot or the writing but as I was reading this one, I realized that I didn’t ever feel any negatives like that. I just enjoy her writing.
Rebecca was interesting because she was able to appear to be what her aunt and father wanted her to be without losing who she really was inside. She knew that argument was futile so she allowed the awful aunt to dress her hideously and bowed and curtsied as necessary. But it never changed her.
Christian was great even though he started out as a emotionless character. But he really wasn’t ever without emotions. He just had thick walls that allowed him to ignore those emotions. In truth he was kind and thoughtful at heart. Even when he had his walls up, he still cared about Rebecca’s needs in the moment. He was very sweet. Unless he wasn’t. As a defender he was devotedly ruthless. I was so thrilled to see him stand up to Rebecca’s terrible father and awful aunt. I wanted to stand up and cheer. I think all the torment he took in his youth had scarred Christian more deeply than his physical scars but it allowed him to be both tender and sympathetic to those that are wronged and ruthless to those doing the wronging. What a great hero.
The only thing I really wondered about was that the awful aunt threatened Rebecca with retribution against her younger brother if she didn’t comply. She would marry in a couple weeks and the awful aunt would lose all power over her personally but not her brother. The story didn’t really deal with that threat. Did they try to make his life miserable to punish Rebecca? I have faith that were it to be known, Christian would rise to the occasion to once again put the awful aunt and terrible father in their place but we don’t get to know for certain. Perhaps in the next book…