Potion Masters: The Eternity Elixir by Frank L. Cole

January 2, 2018 | 0 Comments
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Potion Masters: The Eternity Elixir by Frank L. ColeThe Eternity Elixir
Author: Frank L. Cole
Series: Potion Masters #1
Genres: Middle Grade Speculative
Format: eBook, Print
Pages: 272
Date: January 2, 2018
Publisher: Shadow Mountain

For hundreds of years, all of our medical findings, our technological advancements, and even our weapons are a direct result of magical potions. Few people know about the truth because few people are aware of the hidden potion community known as B.R.E.W.—the Board of Ruling Elixirists Worldwide.

Twelve-year-old Gordy knows all about the importance of cauldrons, flasks, and Bunsen burners. He has an extensive knowledge of hundreds of ingredients including Toadflax, porcupine quills, and catfish eyes because Gordy’s mother is the Director of B.R.E.W., and he is an apprentice potion master with a secret lab in his family’s basement.

When the world’s most powerful potion—the Eternity Elixir—disappears and then mysteriously ends up in Gordy’s possession, he must use all of his skills to protect the forbidden potion before enemies of B.R.E.W. find and use it to destroy the world as we know it.

Gordy recruits his two best friends, Max and Adeline, to assist him while his mother leaves to confront the most powerful elixirist of all time—the great Mezzarix—who happens to be Gordy’s grandfather.


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About Frank L. Cole

Frank L. Cole was born into a family of southern storytellers and wrote his first book at age eight. Sadly, he misplaced the manuscript and has since forgotten what he wrote. Highly superstitious and gullible to a fault, Frank will believe in any creepy story you tell him, especially ones involving ghosts and Big Foot.

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