Wards & Rumors of Wards Author: Anneka Walker,
DeAnn Ogden Huff,
Donald J. Carey,
Grace Cady Naegle,
Jamie Hixon,
Jill E. Warner,
L. G. Rollins,
Marsha Ward,
Randy Lindsay,
Rebecca Irvine,
Stephanie Ann Morris,
Susan Cady Allred,
T. M. Holladay,
Tina Scott Genres: Other Anthology Format: eBook Pages: 486
Date: September 10, 2019
Publisher: American Night Writers Association An American Night Writers Association Anthology.
As one of the most influential and beloved authors of the Southwest, Marsha Ward has inspired a generation of writers through her teaching, writing, and mentoring. This anthology contains fourteen remarkable short stories, all dedicated to celebrating the founder of the American Night Writers Association.
Fans of romance, fantasy, thrillers and more will adore the tales in this curated collection, each with a word-smith character named after ANWA’s favorite Marsha.
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About Marsha Ward

Marsha Ward writes authentic historical fiction set in 19th Century America. She was born in the sleepy little town of Phoenix, Arizona, in a simpler time. With plenty of room to roam among the chickens and citrus trees, Marsha enjoyed playing with neighborhood chums, but always had her imaginary friend, cowboy Johnny Rigger Prescott, at her side. She makes her home in a forest in the mountains of Arizona and loves to hear from readers.
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About Randy Lindsay

Randy Lindsay is a world traveler. Which sounds impressive until you realize the worlds he visits exist only in his mind and on the pages of his novels. He prefers this method of sightseeing because he can stop at any time, go to the kitchen, and indulge his ice cream addiction. When he isn’t making things up he likes to play games with his family.
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About Susan Cady Allred

Susan Cady Allred lives in Washington with her husband and four children. She prefers binge-reading over binge-watching, enjoys the outdoors, and loves a good laugh. She’s currently a mystery game writer at WhodunnitMysteries.com
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About Tina Scott

Tina Scott is a wife, mother, author, artist—a liver of life and a dreamer of dreams. Other than large family get-togethers, the things that bring her joy are writing, watercolor painting, long walks, ice cream, and traveling to Europe—especially to her father’s ancestral home of Denmark. Tina loves writing novels with layers: there’s a smattering of adventure, a dose of history, and a measure of romance.
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