Author: Nate Phelps
Series: Midhaven Chronicles #1
Genres: YA Science Fiction
Format: eBook, Print
Pages: 145
Date: March 31, 2020
Publisher: Indie
Follow a superhero? Sure.
Keep him from breaking city property? Why not?
Help him save the city from apocalyptic monsters? Wait… What?
Kleiner graduated college at Seventeen and was heaven-bent on improving the world. He set out to mitigate the property damage caused by Johnny Q, the resident superhero, using an assortment of home-made tools and a clunky jetpack dubbed “Shania”.
Johnny hates it. Hates being followed. Hates Kleiner.
Helping Kleiner file the paperwork, is Sarah, a spunky office worker with a mysterious past. She used to be the top agent in the city, but Johnny got her demoted and no one knows why.
Kleiner does his best even though Johnny constantly tries to lose him or make his job more difficult. I’ll only be a year. What’s the worst that could happen?
Then the Crawlers return. Pale skinned creatures with dark eyes. They nearly wiped out mankind last time. Now they’re being controlled by someone. Johnny can’t handle this by himself, and it turns out that Kleiner’s unique skill set might be just the help he needs.
Rating: Mild+. Mild kissing; some violence or horror.
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