Mickey Malloy, Wonder Boy! by Laurisa White Reyes

March 8, 2018 | 1 Comment
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Mickey Malloy, Wonder Boy! by Laurisa White ReyesMickey Malloy, Wonder Boy!
Author: Laurisa White Reyes
Genres: Chapter Book
Format: Print
Pages: 88
Date: March 8, 2018
Publisher: Skyrocket Press

Mickey Malloy is just your average kid who loves comic books and superheroes.

When a mysterious package arrives with his name on it, he finds a strange contraption inside. Urged on by his friend, Juanita, Mickey pushes the thing’s button and gets ZZZZZZAPPED!

Suddenly, he isn’t a normal kid anymore, he’s Mickey Malloy, Wonder Boy! The human magnet! But what seems like an awesome superpower gets Mickey into more trouble than he could possibly imagine.


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About Laurisa White Reyes

Laurisa Reyes White

Laurisa White Reyes is the former Editor-in-Chief of Middle Shelf Magazine, the Senior Editor of Skyrocket Press, and an adjunct professor of English at College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita, CA. She has an M.A. & B.A. in English/Creative Writing from California State University at Northridge. She is the author of nine books, including Spark Award winner THE STORYTELLERS, the Celestine Chronicles series, and The Crystal Keepers series.

One response to “Mickey Malloy, Wonder Boy! by Laurisa White Reyes

  1. Maria

    Cute juvenile book. The premise of the book was fun and innovative. Illustrations are good. It was really short though and I pretty much hated the abrupt ending. I imagine it is setting up another book but I think I would have preferred to have the story continue in the same book. I am curious as to what happens next. Probably a good length for young readers though.

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