The Legend of the Slave King by Justin Kauer

May 16, 2016 | 0 Comments
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The Legend of the Slave King by Justin KauerThe Legend of the Slave King
Author: Justin Kauer
Series: Road Back to Effulgia #1
Genres: YA Fantasy
Format: eBook
Pages: 156
Date: May 12, 2016
Publisher: Indie

What does God do when his children are beginning to fall away from His ways due to their nobles’ poor examples?

He whispers into the ear of a slave!

Witness as close friends and family gather after sharing a meal and the characters of the story come alive, dancing in the flames of the campfire. Tales of bravery and treachery, good and evil, as well as romance and disenchantment become emblazoned on the minds and hearts of those who watch and listen.

As a young prince, Alban is sold into slavery. With no memory of who he is, rumors begin to fly. Could he be the Slave King of whom it was foretold generations ago? Not even Alban knows for sure, but he uses the rumors to figure out whom he may trust.

When the daughter of the owner of the slaver company crosses his path, sparks begin to fly! A life with her is only a dream, and yet… There are the visions and the deeply-seeded longing to do God’s will.

Will Alban be able to discover who betrayed him? Who sold him into slavery? Can he escape from the slaver’s caravan? Could he actually be the Slave King from the legend?

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About Justin Kauer

Justin Kauer

Born under the blue skies of Idaho, Justin Kauer grew up a country boy. After high school, he represented Christ as he served a two-year mission in the Washington, D.C. area where he learned Spanish. He studied at Ricks College (now BYU-Idaho) and then went on to ISU. Justin is a father of three, all boys, and has worked with the youth of his church for more than 15 years, teaching them about Christ.

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