Author: Carolyn Twede Frank
Series: Quantum Faith Effect #1
Genres: YA Other Speculative
Format: eBook, Print
Pages: 412
Date: April 20, 2016
Publisher: Trifecta Books
What if a book really could take you into another world?
A strange girl…
A creepy teacher…
A cool invention…
And the hardest question anyone has ever been asked.
Josh Sawyer’s big mouth usually gets him in trouble, but when his high school debate coach challenges him to prove the existence of God, Josh uses the things he learns at the feet of such amazing people as Joan of Arc, William Tyndale, and George Washington to prove his point… and ultimately to solve a murder.
[bctt tweet=”What if a book really could take you into another world? EXISTENCE by Carolyn Twede Frank #YA #timetravel”]
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