Author: Cindy A. Christiansen
Genres: General Historical
Format: eBook, Print
Pages: 97
Date: October 8, 2018
Publisher: Dragonfly Spirit Books
Louise has been passed from one relative to another for years. Now, World War II has ended, she’s ready to graduate high school and wants to escape to Salt Lake City, Utah on her own. That is, until she meets Danny who has just returned from World War II.
Danny longed for two years to return to his small home town. Now that he’s home, nothing feels the same. He finds himself wishing for more out of life than working his family’s farm and turning his money over to his parents.
When friends decide to elope to Las Vegas, Danny and Louise find themselves along for the ride. With very few possessions, little money and limited jobs after the war, the two struggle to build a future with only their love, friends, optimism and faith.
Rating: Moderate. Moderate crude humor/language; some violence or horror.
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