Author: Heather B. Moore
Genres: General Historical, Suspense/Thriller
Format: eBook, Print
Pages: 294
Date: March 14, 2017
Publisher: Mirror Press
“This woman was one of the most impudent, scurrilous, wicked creatures of this world; and she did now throughout her whole trial discover herself to be such a one. Yet when she was asked what she had to say for herself, her chief plea was that she had led a most virtuous and holy life.” —Reverend Cotton Mather, 1692
Heather B. Moore brings the life of her 10th great-grandmother to center stage. Susannah North Martin, accused of witchcraft in 1692, joins five women in the Salem Jail, all sentenced to death for their crimes. Amidst tragedy, Susannah finds hope and compassion as she remembers a well-loved life, and readers discover that love reaches far beyond the grave as Susannah faces the magistrates in Salem.
[bctt tweet=”Susannah Martin, accused of witchcraft and sentenced to death #historical #suspense @heatherbmoore CONDEMN ME NOT”]
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This in an incredible telling of two phases of Susannah Martin’s life. It alternated between her time as a young adult when she met her husband, their romance, and early days of their marriage, and her incarceration in her 70’s when she was accused and convicted of witchcraft. My favorite parts were the happy times of course, Susannah’s relationship with George was a bit unexpected since she was looking forward to being a spinster, but his charm and teasing won her over eventually (not to mention his kisses) 😉 There is a real sense of what the times were like back then, the Puritan way of life in a small and gossipy community. The more difficult parts were learning significant historical details behind the volatile period where people would accuse others of witchcraft out of ignorance, but more often for revenge, monetary gain, or power in the community. It was both fascinating and upsetting that such madness occurred in our country’s early history. I couldn’t help but think that there are still echoes of this in today’s society, where reputations can be ruined with a word, and lives destroyed through the cruelness of others. I’m glad that I read this book and it gave me more compassion for those who suffered horribly from injustice. The ending was inspiring and despite the heaviness of the experiences of Susannah in the jail, there is an underlying current of faith in spite of the hopelessness that strengthened her and those around her.
My heart ached as I read this book. I knew a little about the Salem witch trials, but facts and information could never bring the emotions I felt as I read. The story is told by Susannah, and therefore centered on the prisoners. As readers, we see what they went through, what they felt, how they helped each other and the bond that was created between them.
Intermixed with the misery of the prison is the beautiful love story of George and Susannah Martin. It was wonderful to watch them fall in love. It brought much needed joy and hope to the book. Their love and devotion to each other was inspiring.
Condemn Me Not is based on the life of Heather B. Moore’s tenth great-grandmother, Susannah North Martin, who was hanged during the Salem witch trials. It is written so well, with such heart and emotion. What a great tribute to her ancestor and all those that suffered during that time.
I received a complimentary copy of the book. I have given my honest opinion.