Author: Melissa McShane
Series: The Extraordinaries #1
Genres: Fantasy, Speculative Romance
Format: eBook
Pages: 318
Date: August 15, 2016
Publisher: Curiosity Quills Press
In 1812, Elinor Pembroke wakes to find her bedchamber in flames—and extinguishes them with a thought. At 21, she is old to manifest magical talent, but the evidence is unmistakable: she not only has the ability to start fires, but the far more powerful ability to control and extinguish them. She is an Extraordinary, and the only one in England capable of wielding fire in over one hundred years.
As an Extraordinary, she is respected and feared, but to her father, she represents power and prestige for himself. Mr. Pembroke, having spent his life studying magic, is determined to control Elinor and her talent by forcing her to marry where he chooses, a marriage that will produce even more powerful offspring. Trapped between the choices of a loveless marriage or living penniless and dependent on her parents, Elinor takes a third path: she defies tradition and society to join the Royal Navy.
Assigned to serve under Captain Miles Ramsay aboard the frigate Athena, she turns her fiery talent on England’s enemies, French privateers and vicious pirates preying on English ships in the Caribbean. At first feared by her shipmates, a growing number of victories make her truly part of Athena’s crew and bring her joy in her fire. But as her power grows and changes in unexpected ways, Elinor’s ability to control it is challenged. She may have the power to destroy her enemies utterly—but could it be at the cost of her own life?
Rating: Moderate. Moderate crude humor/language; mild substance use; mild kissing; some profanity (6 to 40); brief (nonsexual) nudity; non-graphic sexual referencesmoderate violence or horror.
[bctt tweet=”Will Elinor’s powers cost her life? BURNING BRIGHT #fantasy #romance #historical @mmcshanewrites”]

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Elinor Pembroke is an Extraordinary. Not only can she start fires, she can also put them out. Her father plans to use her rare talent to make an advantageous match. Faced with a forced, loveless marriage, or a life dependent on others’ charity, Elinor finds her own option. She volunteers her services to the Royal Navy in their fight against pirates. Elinor is assigned to the Athena, serving under Captain Miles Ramsay. In her new life, she embarks on an adventure filled with experiences she could never have imagined.
I love stories set in the regency time period! I also love fantasy stories, and pirate stories. I felt like this book was written for me! I was really hoping it would live up to my expectations. Um, yeah! It definitely did!
I loved Elinor! The story is told from Elinor’s perspective, so the reader really gets to know her. I admired the way she took control of her life, and then worked through whatever that choice brought. She had such great strength and spirit, and was also humble and kind. Captain Ramsay was perfect! Not in an annoying, unrealistic way, but in a pure-hearted, strong leader, complete gentleman way.
The unique story pulled me in and I couldn’t stop reading, especially after the first battle! The twists just kept coming and I had to know what happened next. There is some mild, sailor’s, profanity used, but the romance in the book is clean.
This was my introduction to Melissa McShane’s work. I will be looking at her other books, and anxiously awaiting the next book in this series.
I was given a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
I typically do not read fantasy books, but I really enjoyed this book. Elinor was strong and persevered through everything that was thrown at her. I loved seeing the relationship with her and Miles grow and the trust between them build. Each battle they had kept me anxious to find out what was going to happen. This is the first book I’ve read by this author and I’m excited to read more from her.