Author: Lisa McKendrick
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Format: eBook, Print
Pages: 272
Date: October 10, 2017
Publisher: Cedar Fort
Lana, a talented ivy league artist, is thrilled for a summer internship program where she’ll get to study under an acclaimed artist, but she is soon disappointed to find that she’ll be going to Bluegill, Idaho, for six weeks to study under the brilliant but aging artist LeVan Hitchpost.
As she spends more time with him, though (and more specifically with LeVan’s grandson, Walt), Lana realizes she may have to choose between following her dreams or following her heart.
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Hallo, Hallo dear readers,
I happily had the JOY of receiving this lovely novel for review this [December!] – for me, this is an author I couldn’t quite sort out if I liked her style of story-telling or not, as I had attempted to read ‘Letters to my Future Husband’ previously. This time round, there was something which drew me into the context of the story-line more readily – there was a developed style here – a better fleshing out of the characters and the plot blessedly had more density of purpose and a thoughtfulness of how it was executed. I remember reading this not wanting to ‘put it down’ because I was hugged dearly close to the journey of Lana. She’s an artist who is seeking her own artistic truth and trying to resolve the angst of how her hard origins were becoming a defining line of reference to who she was (by how she identified herself) rather than for seeing who she has emerged to be through unconditional love and encouragement by her adoptive family.
For me, this second novel re-set in my mind what the author is able to conceptionally conceive in a story and the beauty therein, I found a new writer whose voice of narrative I appreciate reading now. A lesson to those who might read one story and feel the author isn’t their cuppa tea – if there are bones of a narrative within the story you stepped outside and feel perhaps in a new story, you might find more to love in the author’s approach – give yourself the chance to re-examine their writerly style. You might unexpectedly find a beloved read!
// I look forward to re-visiting with you throughout 2018, as I have a route of bloggers I want to visit with in the New Year who I’ve regrettably lost touch with in recent years. Here’s to new stories, new conversations and the joy of sharing our readerly lives. Many blessings to you!
*Kindly visit my blog, enter the title into the search box & read my full thoughts on the story