Author: Marty C. Lee
Series: Unexpected Heroes
Genres: Speculative Anthology
Format: eBook
Pages: 121
Date: July 9, 2020
Publisher: Bookaholics Press
Four short stories from Kaiatan, the world of Unexpected Heroes.
In an underwater village in Nokailana, can the friendship of the new boy and a pretty girl last, or will his arrogant dad ruin everything?
In the desert of Iskra, a young man must stay in alone for a month to be considered an adult, if the desert doesn’t kill him first.
In Darrendra, land of the shape-shifters, a young woman aims to be a five-year champion in a cross-country horse race.
In winged Ioj, a newly chosen priest finds his back-country origins to be a disadvantage that might send him home.
Rating: Mild. Brief (nonsexual) nudity; mild (nonsexual) violence or horror.
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