Being a girl of color in a very white high school in suburban Utah is always a challenge. Fallin survives with the help of her misfit best friend, Georgia, and by spending her time working out in the school gym. She is just “one of the guys” to the football players.
But when one of the football players is nearly devoured by a demon, Fallin tries to save him. She uses her Tae Kwon Do skills and years of weight lifting and training, but her actions have little effect until an old man dressed as a janitor flings a special knife at the demon and it deflates like a balloon.
Fallin becomes a demon fighter, but will she also fall in love?
Title: The Gift of Demons
Author: Mette Ivie Harrison
Publisher: Self
Release Date: August 12, 2012
Size: 208 pages, eBook
Genre: YA Paranormal
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