Title: Santa’s Secret
Author: Christy Hardman and Phil Porter
Publisher: Cedar Fort
Release Date: August, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-59955-178-4
Size: 128 pages, 5.5″ x 8.5″, Paperback
Genre: Children, Christmas
Of everything to do with Christmas, Phil Porter loves to play Santa Claus the most. When he puts on his Santa suit, something magical happens: for the people of his town, he becomes Santa.
The only problem is that Andrew, his own son, doesn’t know. And Phil doesn’t know how to tell him.
Phil wants everyone to keep the magic of Christmas for as long as possible, so how can he tell Andrew that he is Santa? Will Andrew lose the special magic of Christmas if he finds out the truth? But if Phil doesn’t tell Andrew, how can Phil balance his time being Santa with his time for his family? Will Phil have to miss Andrew’s Christmas in order to be Santa?
Santa’s Secret is the heartfelt story of the importance of family and the truth that being Santa isn’t about fame or attention—it’s about changing lives and fostering faith and hope.
I’ve only read one chapter, but am already inspired. I’ll get several more copies to give to friends NOW so they too can feel the joy of serving. Soon they will want more than a taste; and will seek the full experience. “Santa’s Secret” can lead us closer to Christ. Following Him and helping others to know Christ is the goal of all of us who know and love Him.