As part of our awesome randomness in our Read ‘Em All Randomly Awarded prizes, we skipped a couple of weeks. And I’m not sure what number we’re on. But today, I’m awarding two prizes! (Or rather, the same prize to two winners.)
But before I do that, I want to have a little chat about this Read ‘Em All Challenge.
The Number 1 Rule of this challenge is:<br?>
Don’t be intimidated by the name!
Seriously. Have you read ANY of the 2013 Whitney Finalists? If so, then get yourself over to our registration page and sign up!*
No, really. I’m dead serious. If in your heart you want to read them all but you aren’t sure you can swing it, go ahead and sign up. That will make you eligible for these awesome random prizes.
Then look at what you’ve read already. Have you read multiple books in any of the genre sections? Then all you have to do is read a few more in that section, and voilá, you’re eligible to earn more points toward the random prizes.
Maybe you won’t read enough to be able to vote in the overall winners, but you could vote in a genre category of your choice.
And that’s good enough for us!
If you happen to finish all the books in the Youth Categories or the Adult Categories, then yay you! That qualifies you to enter for one of our Amazon Gift Cards.
Don’t be intimidated. Sign up and give it a try! There’s still time.
And now for our Random Prize!
Today I’m giving away a Divergent Party Package! I made up several of these for a movie party I’m hosting this weekend and while I was at it, I made two extra ones—just for you! (Yes, I know Veronica Roth is not LDS but… FUN!)
So here’s what you’re getting: a cute Amity-inspired tote bag (note the hippy, dippy design) crammed full with faction themed goodies.
And the two winners are…
Taffy Lovell
LuAnn Staheli
Congratulations, ladies! I’ll be contacting you via the email address you entered in Rafflecopter.
And until our next Read ‘Em All Random Prize Giveaway…
Happy Reading!
*There are a few intermediate steps. Read the details here.