The Lost Art by Jennifer Griffith

June 26, 2014 | 1 Comment

LostArtDowdy art exhibit coordinator Ava Young is happy with her man-suits and sensible clogs. She likes the way they clip-clop on the museum’s tile floor. But they don’t win her any lovelorn looks from her office crush. In fact, the handsome new guy calls her “sir” when they first meet. Oh, well. She’s always known the only way a guy would take a second look at her was if she was the only person in the room. And on fire.

But after her workplace crush devastates her by, frankly, calling her something super-duper mean, Ava is ready to make some drastic changes inside and out, even if it means giving up chocolate, or taking hilariously out-of-date but strangely wise-sounding advice on femininity from a 1959 book on “How to Snare a Modern Man.”

Either way, she’d better hurry because when a priceless art exhibit gets a theft threat on Ava’s watch, a billionaire bachelor and a handsome FBI agent will be taking a good, long look at the art.

And at Ava.

Read excerpt

Title: The Lost Art

Author:  Jennifer Griffith

Publisher: Stewart Plaid Publishing

Release Date: June 22, 2014


Formats: 238 pages, e-book

Genre: Romantic Comedy

One response to “The Lost Art by Jennifer Griffith

  1. Gayle Humpherys

    Cute story! A unique plot that was fun to read — I can see how some parts and characters might be considered a bit over the top, but it’s an enjoyable read if you don’t try to take it too seriously. I wasn’t sure what to think of Ava’s makeover at first, but by the end of the book I liked the person she had become. I would have loved an epilogue!

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