Grudges and Grace by BJ Salmond

March 22, 2021 | 0 Comments
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Grudges and Grace by BJ SalmondGrudges and Grace
Author: BJ Salmond
Series: Trial and Triumph #1
Genres: LDS Historical
Format: Audio, eBook, Print
Pages: 482
Date: March 22, 2021
Publisher: Frontier Mountain

With the choice between imprisonment and exile, William is forced to leave everything behind to start a new life.

It’s the mid-1800’s and William Chestnut is thrown into an epic adventure that leads to betrayal, epidemic plague, Indian aggression, and a city on fire. What could go wrong?

William struggles with anger, and with the help of a Native American, he learns in a powerful way the importance of forgiveness. He buys a copy of the Book of Mormon and he and his wife join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

As he raises his family amidst the St. Louis Saints, William struggles to forgive those who have wronged him. He is soon faced with the importance of forgiveness. Though, can he forgive when it really counts, even to save his children?

Inspired by a true story.

Rating: Moderate. Mild crude humor; mild kissing; non-detailed fade-out sensuality; mild (nonsexual) violence or horror.


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About BJ Salmond

BJ Salmond

BJ Salmond is a native Utahan and loves American history and family history. He was inspired to write the story of his wife’s fourth great-grandparents when he stumbled upon a handful of paragraphs as he was searching for a picture of their daughter. His debut book, Grudges and Grace, is that story.

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