Author: J. Scott Savage, Jeffrey S. Savage
Genres: Horror
Format: Audio, eBook, Print
Pages: 358
Date: February 26, 2013
Publisher: Covenant
There are things in the darkness—things much worse than the tracks and abandoned pieces of equipment that trip the children up and gash at their feet and legs—things that brush silently past them, touching their faces before disappearing again…
1977: In the sleepy town of Twin Falls, Colorado, what starts as a carefree school picnic ends in tragedy when six children disappear into an abandoned gold mine. Six enter the dark void and days later, only five emerge. After an arduous search, the hunt for the last child is called off and the mine entrance is blasted. Little Frankie is left behind, alone in the darkness.
He is coming.
2011: Police Chief Cal Hunt’s investigation into a recent string of bizarre murders in Twin Falls takes a chilling turn when he learns that each of the victims was a survivor of the Seven Stars Mine incident. Cal realizes that they share a dark secret the truth about what happened to Frankie.
To drag them deeper.
With time running out for the remaining survivors, Cal must face a killer that defies logical explanation. Because no matter how Cal analyzes the facts, there is only one conclusion: A supernatural force is reaching out from the depths to reclaim those who escaped more than thirty years before. And it will not rest until it takes them all…
Into the darkness.
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To be honest I wasn’t too sure I wanted to read this book…
KSL stated: “”Dark Memories” is the first horror novel published by Covenant or any mainstream LDS publisher.”
While I am a lover off suspense. I am NOT a horror-liking person. So I was a little worried!
THEN I did a little research…
Jeffrey S. Savage said this about the book: “the book is not “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” blood and guts. “It’s more like the scary movies I watched growing up … when the most terrifying parts of the story took place in your own head.”
I read the first chapter on Amazon…You can also find it HERE
I finally said to my husband…”It’s put out by Covenant…so it can’t be too bad can it?” And then I jumped right in to reading it…
I couldn’t put it down! The story is so good and so real and yes, the most terrifying parts take place in your own head AND beware they really do!
In the story mysterious murders are taking place…the only connection between the victims is that they were all lost in a mine during a school picnic when they were younger. One boy of the group did not make it back out of the mine.
And now it seems he is calling revenge on those who did!
It is SCARY..
It is packed with SUSPENSE…
It is SO GOOD…