Title: The Gift of Angels
Author: Rachel Ann Nunes
Publisher: Nunes Entertainment, LLC
Release Date: June 21, 2011
Size: ebook (120 pgs)
Genre: General
Angela Thornberry is facing the greatest challenge of her life. All around her people talk about miracles happening to them and how God acts in their behalf. Even the scriptures are full of angels and miracles. As she and her family teeter on the brink of losing everything, Angela needs one of those angels now more than ever.
Her faith wavers as everyone around her seems to receive divine help—everyone except her. Doesn’t she too, deserve an angel of mercy? Does the Lord have a plan for her or has her lifetime of faith been misplaced? Then something strange begins to happen, and her entire life changes yet again.
In this fast-moving novella, Rachel Ann Nunes has given readers a vivid peek into the life of a regular Mormon family facing an impossible trial. Or is it impossible? The Gift of Angels will not only make you aware of the angels in your life, but inspire you to become someone else’s angel.
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