Starwarden by J.A. Dalley

December 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Almek Manning survived the first part of his military training at the Solar Fleet’s boot camp, and now he must face the rigor of life at the Academy.

Meanwhile, the cease-fire between the Solar Fleet and the United Monarchy of Europe is becoming increasingly fragile, and Almek has begun to wonder if he can finish his education quickly enough to help fight the war.

However, Sky Marshal Kitt, Jack Dalton, and High Admiral Numair have plans for the young midshipman, and Almek’s choices may yet decide the outcome of the war.

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Title: Starwarden (Almek Manning, book 2)

Author: J.A. Dalley

Publisher: Dalley Publishing (self)

Release Date: December 18, 2012


Size: eBook; print coming soon

Genre: YA Science Fiction

Series: The Zochtil (book 1)

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