Said In Stone by Michelle Erickson

March 26, 2014 | 0 Comments

When the mother star exploded, only one that witnessed the miracle, knew it was the sign waited for. The Five spoken of in ancient writ were coming! There was hope!

The Five have been ruling for twenty millennia.

Jaydren the Just always finds the truth. Those he finds guilty could testify of that—if they could speak.

Ammon, Lord of the Forest, is trying desperately to save his half-human family. He’s running out of time.

Revaya, Lady of Ogdones, wants peace at any cost. The harpy part of her doesn’t. She isn’t sure who will win the argument.

Soline spreads curses, death, and destruction on a whim. Family is no exception.

Vael thinks he is a God. The voices in his head say it’s true. Mayhem has promised him Veya would rule at his side. Forever.

Ruling the fabled free land is tougher than it looks. No matter how much time you have, it will never be enough.

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Title: Said In Stone (Chest of Souls Prequel #3)

Author: Michelle Erickson

Publisher: Lulu

Release Date: March 25, 2014

ISBN: 978-1-304-15749-2

Formats: 420 pages, 6×9, softcover; e-book

Genre: Epic Fantasy

Chest of Souls Prequels: Five: The Power Rising (book 1) Fathoms Deep (book 2)

Chest of Souls: Chest of Souls (book 1), Lend Me Your Mind (book 2), Aftermath (book 3), Sacrifice of Souls (book 4), Traps (book 5), Stone Dreams (book 6), Division of Souls (book 7), Storm (book 8), Walking in Lightning (book 9)


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