The Frog Prince by Jenni James

June 10, 2013 | 3 Comments
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A prince disguises himself to find true love—

Prince Nolan has had enough of Princess Blythe—the woman to whom he has been betrothed since infancy—and her simpering letters. Does the princess truly not have a brain in her head? Never before has he communicated with someone who seemed so childish and spoiled. It was time he met her for himself, to decide if he could actually follow through with this marriage. But to do it right, she must not see how handsome he is. He needs a disguise—something that would show him her true nature.

Nolan asks an old herb woman to transform him into a creature that is disgusting to any female—a frog. The spell will last thirty days unless the princess does the impossible and kisses him. Now the true test begins. Will Blythe prove to be as monstrously annoying as he believes she is, or will he learn to see past his judgments and find a loving princess waiting for him?

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Title: The Frog Prince (Faerie Tale Collection #8)

Author: Jenni James

Publisher: StoneHouse Ink

Release Date: June 5, 2013


Formats: 87 pages, e-book

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Faerie Tale Collection: Beauty and the Beast (#1),  Sleeping Beauty (#2), Rumplestiltskin (#3), Cinderella (#4), Hansel and Gretel (#5), Jack and the Beanstalk (#6), Snow White (#7)

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3 responses to “The Frog Prince by Jenni James

  1. Meghan Herbert

    I am really liking the new trend of twisting the classic fairy tales. The prince chooses to be a frog, the dragon saves the damsel from the knight, things like this!

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