Emma: A Latter-day Tale by Rebecca H. Jamison

August 14, 2013 | 4 Comments

Not Looking for Love: Single woman (23) seeks best friend to chat on the phone, shop the clearance racks, watch chick flicks, try out messy cooking projects, and eat Dove dark chocolates.

Emma’s her name and matchmaking is her game! Quirky life coach Emma wants to help her first-ever client, a lonely nanny named Harriet. But all of her attempts at matchmaking result only in embarrassing miscues and blunders, leaving the pair disheartened and confused. Now Harriet has a broken heart and is threatening to relapse into her bad habits.

And Emma has problems of her own to deal with, and they all start with one name: Justin.

Justin is her best friend, so it’s hard for Emma not to feel betrayed when she suspects he is falling for her childhood rival. And she knows she’s losing him despite her best efforts. How is she supposed to help other people when she’s drowning in her own failures?

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Title: Emma: A Latter-day Tale

Author: Rebecca H. Jamison

Publisher: Bonneville/Cedar Fort

Release Date: August 13, 2013

ISBN: 978-1462112609

Formats: 256 pages, 6×9, softcover; e-book

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Latter-day Tales: Persuasion (#1)

2 Votes


4 responses to “Emma: A Latter-day Tale by Rebecca H. Jamison

  1. Gayle Humpherys

    This is a great modern version of Jane Austen’s “Emma” with an LDS setting. Some things followed the original pretty closely, but there were a few twists that I liked. I liked seeing the struggles and changes that Emma went through and the things she realized about herself.

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