Unlovable by Sherry Gammon

March 12, 2012 | 1 Comment

Seventeen year-old Maggie Brown is the poster child for Heroin Chic, complete with jutting bones and dark-ringed eyes.

But drugs are not Maggie’s problem; her mother is.

Maggie’s struggling with her growing feelings for the new guy at school, Seth Prescott, and fears he is just another person who will let her down, like everyone in her life has done so far.

Seth Prescott is an undercover cop assigned to Port Fare High, and despite his job, he’s developed strong feelings for Maggie.

While Seth’s working tirelessly to flush out the sadistic drug peddlers that have invaded the small town of Port Fare, New York, Maggie’s fighting to stay alive as the fight turns deadly.

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Title: Unlovable (Port Fare #1)

Author: Sherry Gammon

Publisher: Self

Release Date: March 10, 2012

ISBN: 978-1461060529

Size: 340 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: YA Contemporary

2 Votes


One response to “Unlovable by Sherry Gammon

  1. Gayle Humpherys

    I enjoyed this story for the most part — I admired the main character’s strength despite her very horrible living circumstances. I did find it kind of hard to believe that an undercover DEA agent (albeit a young one) would really fall that hard for one of the students. And at times I got annoyed with the heroine’s decisions (or lack thereof). But it was a great story about overcoming obstacles.

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