Title: The Fiery Gloves (Knights of the Right, v4)
Author: M’Lin Rowley
Publisher: Shadow Mountain
Release Date: April, 2009
ISBN: 978-1606412411
Size: 80 pages, 5×7, softcover
Genre: Chapter Book (K-3)
Series: The Falcon Shield (v1), The Silver Coat (v2), The Warrior’s Guard (v3)
This book is not eligible for a Whitney Award.
Joseph and Ben must figure out what kind of quest King Arthur has set before them after True Heart leaves some puzzling clues.
In this electrifying fourth volume, the would-be Knights of Right once again must prove themselves, this time by fighting dwarves with fiery catapults and choosing the right, even when it’s really hard.
Are they up to the task, or will they get stuck?
This volume cautions children against stealing.
I think these books are amazing.