A Strand of Doubt by Donna Gustainis Fuller

July 25, 2014 | 0 Comments

StrandDoubtRomantic Suspense.

249 pages. Print, e-Book.

Jana Clawson has a propensity for Chinese food, M&M’s, and chocolate chip cookies, and she deals with opposition with a wry sense of humor. She is caught up in a whirlwind known as Trevor Willis, the most eligible non-Mormon bachelor in Portland. He is perfect in every way, but will his secrets be too much for their relationship?

While Jana escapes to the Oregon Coast to make a decision about Trevor, a car accident stirs Jared Carpenter—a physical therapist with kind brown eyes who never turns down a homemade meal—into the mix. Unknown to Jana, events set in motion six years ago threaten everything she holds dear, and her life depends on one or both of these men.

A Strand of Doubt by Donna Gustainis Fuller. Walnut Springs Press. July 25, 2014.

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