Author: Rebecca Connolly
Series: London League #1
Genres: Historical Romance
Format: eBook, Print
Pages: 279
Date: February 1, 2018
Publisher: Phase Publishing
A woman of great fortune…
Margaret Easton needs a husband, and she needs one now. Her parents are convinced that only a European will do, but Margaret wants nothing more than to stay in England. The trouble is that there is only one man Margaret can think of, or rather, one she cannot forget, and he wouldn’t do as a husband at all. Then she finds herself in his care unexpectedly, and her hunt becomes even more complicated than she could have ever imagined.
A man of great mystery…
Rafe Thornton has never said more than ten words to Margaret Easton, but she is rapidly becoming the sole occupant of his thoughts. She is distracting him from his operative work as the Gent, and keeps him from his usual focused nature, which he doesn’t mind at all. When she stumbles into his world, his work and his emotions collide, forcing him to choose between saving the Crown, and protecting his love.
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The Gent made his first appearances in the Arrangement series books and from what I remember of him, he was very mysterious. Always the hero showing up at just the right moment or having just the right information to save the day… But we didn’t really learn anything about him.
I got this book last night and thought I’d read a little before bed. Having “just one more chapter” syndrome I stayed up too late reading. And then after finally going to sleep I woke up realizing that I had been dreaming about The Gent. In my dream he didn’t really fit the description of dress as in the book but he was mysterious and heroic.
I enjoyed the book but had just one problem with it. The Gent was so mysterious and seemingly all knowing in the other books and this book allowed us to see him as, for lack of a better word, human. And as it turned out, he wasn’t always in the right place at the right time to save the day. But, he was endearing. You kind of have to let go of the total hero worship thing though.
It is almost an insta-love story except that it isn’t. I found I totally believed that Margaret and the Gent fell in love over staring at each other for 10 seconds at a time over a period of months having said only a few pleasantries to each other. It was pretty swoony romantic in fact. I enjoyed their relationship and felt sad when it was strained.
I was confused as to why Margaret wasn’t sought at least by fortune hunters if no one else in society. And a little confused as to how Miss Ritson gained as much power as she did. Margaret was all together too pliable. And why wasn’t family doing more to step in and save Margaret? And why did her parents not feel concern when they were not getting any communication from their daughter? But had any of this been fixed, there would be no story so I guess these were important factors. Miss Ritson should have gone to jail for abuse or reckless endangerment or something I think. I would have liked to see her suffer a bit in consequence to her actions.
I enjoyed the read. It was mostly clean. There was some innuendo, talk about whores on the street, sexual references and leering kind of behavior. Kisses were all that actually happened in the book though.
Some occasional mild language.
Some violence.
I am curious about the next book. I didn’t find Rogue at all endearing, or even likable but I assume the next is about him. And I assume there will be something redeemable about him