Midst of Heaven by Roy Gladden

October 20, 2016 | 0 Comments
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Midst of Heaven by Roy GladdenMidst of Heaven
Author: Roy Gladden
Series: Midst of Heaven #1
Genres: Science Fiction
Format: eBook, Print
Pages: 427
Date: October 19, 2016
Publisher: Indie

Michael is enhanced by both genetic tinkering and mechanical implants. Melissa is from a small town and finds the enhanced to be… different. They have both accepted the invitation to join the first colony ship to another planet. But there are some on Earth that don’t want to let them go, and will stop at nothing to destroy them.

The first expedition to another star will not be led by a government, nor will it be led by a corporation. Instead, those who believe in a higher calling to expand humanity beyond the frontiers of the Solar System will take those first tentative steps into the emptiness of interstellar space. After an Earth-like world is discovered, a multi-generational colony ship is constructed inside the hulk of an asteroid, which itself serves as both home and fuel to carry the explorers to their new home.

But Earth rages behind the colonists. Powerful terrorists feel that humanity’s first foray into the abyss should not be made by true believers, and would kill all the intrepid colonists before they would see them succeed. As the depths of space beckon ahead of them, can the colony leave behind the turmoil of a troubled world? Or will the discord and conflict that so readily infests the heart of humanity follow them and destroy the colony from within?

Flying through the Midst of Heaven, what began as a journey of hope may end in utter disaster.

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About Roy Gladden

Man Head

Roy Gladden has worked in the space program for over 15 years, primarily operating spacecraft orbiting Mars. He counts himself lucky to be working in his dream job, but still dreams of flying through the depths of space himself. His family, however, keeps him firmly grounded on this planet, as he is a father of six rambunctious children. Midst of Heaven is his first novel.

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