This group targets older Middle Grade Speculative readers. Please vote for your favorite Middle Grade Cover #2 Book Cover using the poll at the bottom of this post. Voting Guidelines & Details here. ONE vote per person, please.
Feel free to leave comments about what you liked about any of the covers, or even what didn’t quite appeal to you. (Just be polite.) Also, if you know who the cover designers are, please send me an email so I can give them credit.
Voting Deadline: Midnight (MST), Saturday, January 23, 2015
Remember: You are voting for the BEST COVER, not the best story, nor your favorite author or publisher.
The Diamond Looking Glass by Dorine White
Cover Designer: _____
Publisher: Skyrocket Press
Fires of Invention by J. Scott Savage
Cover Designer: Brandon Dorman (Illus)
Publisher: Shadow Mountain
The Impossible Race by Chad Morris
Cover Designer: Brandon Dorman (Illus)
Publisher: Shadow Mountain
Mark of the Thief by Jennifer A. Nielsen
Cover Designer: Christopher Stengel
Publisher: Scholastic Press
True Heroes by Multiple Authors
Cover Designer: _____
Publisher: Shadow Mountain
[bctt tweet=”Vote for your favorite Middle Grade #2 Book Cover. Ends 1/23/16. “]
There was no time to vote
Dorine, I’m sorry you didn’t see this in time to vote. I have been operating under a handicap the past week and a half, due to an accident that still has me laid up. I did my best to notify as many authors as I could, but I know I missed some.
However, there were several responses and your book held its own. It was a very nice cover.
Next year, I will do things a little differently to allow plenty of time for voting in all categories.
I sincerely apologize.
I think because the deadline says 2015