Please vote for your favorite General/Literary Book Cover using the poll at the bottom of this post. Voting Guidelines & Details here. ONE vote per person, please.
Feel free to leave comments about what you liked about any of the covers, or even what didn’t quite appeal to you. (Just be polite.) Also, if you know who the cover designers are, please send me an email so I can give them credit.
Voting Deadline: Midnight (MST), Saturday, January 23, 2015
Remember: You are voting for the BEST COVER, not the best story, nor your favorite author or publisher.
The Cottage Park Puzzle by Richard M. Siddoway
Cover Designer: Michelle May
Publisher: Sweetwater Books
Gabriel’s Daughters by Janet Kay Jensen
Cover Designer: Christopher Loke
Publisher: Jolly Fish Press
The Immortal Nicholas by Glenn Beck
Cover Designer: _____
Publisher: Threshold Editions
Joni, Underway by Kelly Oram & Jonathan Harrow
Cover Designer: _____
Publisher: Bluefields Creative
Wishing on Baby Dust by Lydia Winters
Cover Designer: Darren Hansen
Publisher: Snowflake Press
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Gabriels’s Daughter – for sure!