The Keeper’s Defiance by Kelly Nelson

December 10, 2013 | 0 Comments

When Chase found the gold counter buried in a cave, he went back in time, setting in motion events that would change the course of his life and forever alter the destiny of the new world.

After he and a small group of soldiers rescue his girlfriend Ellie from the Shuylians, they are overtaken during their race for the Algonian border. Chase falls into enemy hands, leaving Ellie to fend for herself.

As time passes, he is believed dead—forever lost. So when Davy, Perception’s Keeper, is charged with seeing to Ellie’s safety, will his persuasions turn her heart away from Chase?

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Title: The Keeper’s Defiance (Keeper’s Saga #3)

Author: Kelly Nelson

Publisher: Currawong Press

Release Date: December 4, 2013

ISBN: 978-1599928968

Formats: 303 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, softcover; e-book

Genre: YA  Fantasy

Keeper’s Saga: The Keeper’s Calling (book 1), The Keeper’s Quest (book 2)

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