Jacob’s Journal of Doom by Kenneth Pike & Isaac Stewart

July 30, 2012 | 2 Comments

It’s not easy being eleven. Just ask Jacob Young. He has big plans to create the best video game ever, but between church, Scouts, and his family, Jacob is having a tough time.

Things are rough at school, too. The Beast bullies Jacob at lunch, and Jenny Hayes calls him a baby in front of everyone.

It’s a good thing Jacob still has his best friend, Eric, by his side. But would they still be friends if Jacob invited Eric to Scouts? Or even to church?

Jacob’s Journal of Doom records the ups and downs of Jacob’s life—and the good, the bad, and the hilarious.

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Title: Jacob’s Journal of Doom: Confessions of an Almost-Deacon

Author: Kenneth Pike and Isaac Stewart

Publisher: Deseret Book

Release Date: July 31, 2012


Size: 208 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, softcover

Genre: Middle Grade

3 Votes


2 responses to “Jacob’s Journal of Doom by Kenneth Pike & Isaac Stewart

  1. I started reading this book at lunch and finish it that night…yes it was THAT good!
    A really fun sense of humor and amazing illustrations makes this book easy to read.
    Very similar to Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but with an LDS twist.

  2. I got this book for my 10 year old son and he read it in a day. He LOVED it. He kept telling me how he was just like the main character and how much they had in common. I read it after he finished and really enjoyed it. So funny, good, clean and uplifting.

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