Please vote for your favorite General/Literary Book Cover using the poll at the bottom of this post. Voting Guidelines & Details here. ONE vote per person, please.
Feel free to leave comments about what you liked about any of the covers, or even what didn’t quite appeal to you. (Just be polite.) Also, if you know who the cover designers are, please send me an email so I can give them credit.
Voting Deadline: Midnight (MST), Tuesday, January 27, 2014
Remember: You are voting for the BEST COVER, not the best story, nor your favorite author or publisher.
Ilana’s Wish by Annette Lyon
Cover Designer: __________
Publisher: Covenant
My Name is Bryan by Stacy Lynn Carroll
Cover Designer: Steve Novak
Publisher: Pink Frog Press
Pale Harvest by Braden Hepner
Cover Designer: Jeffrey Fuller
Publisher: Torrey House Press
A Song for Issy Bradley by Carys Bray
Cover Designer: Victoria Wong
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Still Time by Maria Hoagland
Cover Designer: __________
Publisher: Sisters Ink Publishing
This was fun, I often do judge a book by its cover first, then read what’s on the back and make a decision !!
The cover designer for My Name is Bryan was Steve Novak