Series: The Agents

The Soul’s Alliance by Wendy Knight

The Soul’s Alliance by Wendy Knight

Konstanz is pretty sure her best friend is a demon hunter. A demon hunter with a broken heart. That’s a very dangerous thing indeed. Being the good friend that she is, Konstanz will protect Navi from any more heartache, even if it means putting up with Bryson, the guy determined to make Navi forget she ever hurt in the first place. Never mind that Konstanz […]

April 10, 2018 / 0 Comments
The Soul’s Agent by Wendy Knight

The Soul’s Agent by Wendy Knight

For as long as there have been people, there has been a fear of the dark. Mothers tell their children there isn’t anything in the shadows that isn’t there in the light. They are wrong. The reason humanity is afraid of the dark is because that’s when demons come out to play. The ghosts that fight them can’t come out until the sun goes down, […]

September 10, 2015 / 0 Comments