Keepers of the Sword by Guy Morgan Galli

September 23, 2014 | 2 Comments

KeepersOfSwordSince the days of Isaiah, two families have been charged with safeguarding the brass plates containing the history of God’s works among His people one to preserve them and the other to protect them at all costs.

But these are dark times.

Having spent the last decade apprenticing in the closely guarded secrets of steel making, Zoram anxiously returns to his childhood home of Jerusalem to fulfill his destiny and take his place as the new Keeper of the Sword. His homecoming, however, is overshadowed by the suspicious death of his father and rumors of betrayal that reach the highest levels of power. Despite this, Zoram steadfastly strives to complete the work he is called to do, but his attention is divided between a woman unlike any he has ever met and another woman obsessed with his position and power.

At the center of this personal and political turmoil stands Laban captain of Israel’s armies, Keeper of the Records, and the cunning man Zoram is sworn to serve. But how can one man stop a rapidly growing wave of wickedness from destroying the faith, even the very nation, of Israel?

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Title: Keepers of the Sword

Author: Guy Morgan Galli

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: September 2, 2014

ISBN: 978-1621081906

Formats: 400 pages, 6×9, softcover; e-book

Genre: Book of Mormon Historical

2 responses to “Keepers of the Sword by Guy Morgan Galli

  1. This tale is so realistic you wonder if it might really have happened this way…
    Clear and striking details of training and living during this time.
    Plots between kingdoms and rulers are brought forth.
    Lies, deceit, suspense, intrigue, a need to conquer…
    A prophet is compelled to flee for his life.
    But the records cannot be left behind….

    And what happens to the keeper of the sword when the keeper of the records no longer has the records OR the sword?

    FASCINATING look into events that are recorded from ancient Israel.
    SUPERBLY told and will definitely keep you turning the pages!
    I LOVE the way this author writes!

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