Immortal Light: Wide Awake by John D. Sperry

November 29, 2012 | 0 Comments

In the summer after her 16th birthday, Lucy Higgins meets the only person who could change her life and set it on a course to a world she could never have imagined existed.

Benjamin Raven is a tall, handsome guy about Lucy’s age who becomes the subject of her incredibly realistic dreams. While the waking Benjamin is nice enough, he never really seems as interested in her as the boy in her fantasy. When the Benjamin of her dreams starts to tell incredible stories of himself and how Lucy has a special purpose in his world, she begins to question what is real and what is fantasy.

Immortal Light: Wide Awake is only the start of an epic journey into a realm of unknown wonders and formidable evil. If Lucy wishes to survive the winter, she must decide whether or not to believe.

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Title: Immortal Light: Wide Awake

Author: John D. Sperry

Publisher: CreateSpace

Release Date: November 28, 2012

ISBN: 978-1480139817

Size: 358 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: YA Urban Fantasy

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